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Un Livre par un.e BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color)

Elatsoe - Darcy Little Badger

This Poison Heart - Kalynn Bayron

Ce sera moi - Lyla Lee

Blood Magic - Liselle Sambury

Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas

Le bleu ne va pas à tous les garçons - George M Johnson

One of the good ones - Maika Moulite

The Brown Sisters - Talia Hibbert

Back Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse

Firekeeper's daughter - Angeline Boulley

A Pho love story - Loan Le

Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex - Angela Chen

Accidentaly Engaged - Farah Heron

The Poppy War - RF Kuang

Les auteur.ices suivant:

Marie Lu

Rivers Solomon

Adiba Jaigirdar

Elizabeth Acevedo Nghi Vo

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